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Status Replies posted by Comp_uter15776

  1. i got banned about a week ago i dont know why im banned on savas and all rustafied servers i never hack i have no vac bans makes no sense. please contact me 

    1. Comp_uter15776


      Use www.rustaforum.com/support

  2. Welcome to Rustafied. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  3. need more information on matter of servers when they down you need explanation why is it happening and how long it's gonna take to fix it.I play on medium yet when it down i can't find any info regarding it 

    1. Comp_uter15776


      Well when we know what it is, we'll tell you.

  4. Today is one of my worst day .... I have been banned from my favorite server where I played for more than one year with my cuban elite team ... the reason for the ban? I download a program from one page to enter the rust and the banning of eac me servidores..this happened already more than five months ago, my account with over 1300 hours played was destroyed, I really wanted morir..pasado time I decide to buy the rust and start from scratch doing the right things and always play with my team and enjoy this wonderful game .... meeting the boys and decided to play on our server rustafied.com favorite for us and for many the best server Rust ... today for no reason and dirigo been banned me talk to an admin and his answer was: you have a ban eac .... so simple I was banned from my favorite server without getting at least a chance ... .I do not want to waste the time to admins, I would like q will give me an opportunity and nondiscrimination by mistake ,,'ve all made mistakes and so we should not be scarred for life .... greetings carefully gdz t ..... ahhh sorry for my English is very bad but I wanted to send you a message ..

    1. Comp_uter15776


      Use www.rustaforum.com/support for all ban disputes.

  5. Rustafied has some exciting things lined up in the near future

  6. This server has awesome admins/owner. It's rare to see that in Rust. Keep up the good work!

    1. Comp_uter15776


      Your support is appreciated!

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