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  1. Don't blame yourself too much, you are probably dealing with a million billion ban appeals. Hey, I happened to be in a team with a cheater, of course I couldn't know that, I have 6k hours in rust, during that time it is reasonable that I might have been in a team with a cheater or two. However I had no intention of being in a team with a cheater, had I known I would have left the team immediately. But hey, what can you do? Not much... As the ban appeals race in by the thousands you simply click the automatic response button and leave me hanging, can I blame you? No... I blame the system! 

    1. K - BanditCamp.com

      K - BanditCamp.com

      I hope you admins are at least getting paid. Id love to see that VIP money I've been spending over the years go to improved admin capabilities and not just land in some greedy guys pocket. But as a player I have no way of really getting an understanding of how VIP money is spent, does it cover server costs? Probably, I've ran very successful Unturned and Gmod servers in the past, and the cost of having a server with a great number of players is not that high, surprisingly, if you for instance order a dedicated server via OVH. So I hope you admins are getting a taste of that sweet juice me and my friends have been sending you guys over the years. However it is understandable that if you did not get that juice ,that you would simply race through the ban appeals and click an automated option on how to solve the appeal. Thanks though. anyways <3

    2. K - BanditCamp.com

      K - BanditCamp.com

      I imagine admins as being like this, but it is a bit unlikely xD


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