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About Potato-Rustafied

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  1. 我会在中国时间7月三十号准时发送新票

  2. 我已在网站上申请,但未收到任何回复。



  3. 我已经在网站上申请了,我已经快一个月没有回复了。



  4. hey in your response to my ban appeal it said i was unbanned but i tried joining a sever and i was still banned


  5. Hello administrator

    Can you remove my team ban a long time ago, I sent a message about this before
  6. Hello, administrator. Please help me lift the ban. Thx


    2 years ago, I was banned on the medu service in the United States, because there was a conflict within the team at that time, we disbanded, now I just want to play by myself, please give me a chance, I am also the first time I have been blocked by the server, I promise you that such incidents will not happen again

    • Hello, administrator. Please help me lift the ban. Thank you:)



  7. hello admin
    I am a user who has played the game for over 5,000 hours without using a hack for several years.
    I also opened a YouTube station and played the game clean enough to play live.
    A few weeks ago, the phrase User was banned for Ban Evaslon kept popping up and I couldn't log in. Please check once.
    so sad..
    I will prepare whatever materials you need.
    Please check only once.
    I'm very curious as to why it stopped.
  8. 안녕하세요

    러스트 5천시간 넘게 플레이 하면서 핵 같은걸 써본적도 없고

    주로 사설 모드섭을 했지만

    공섭도 가끔 대형팀에서 합류해서 하긴 했지만

    저번주부터 갑자기 서버를 들어가면 User was banned for Ban Evaslon

    이라고 뜨면서 서버가 안 들어가집니다

    벤 당한 이유도 모르고 너무 억울합니다 관리자님..

    저는 유튜브 채널도 운영 하면서 실시간 키면서 게임 할만큼 핵이란 걸 써본적도 없는

    클린한 유저라고 자부합니다

    자료 제출이 필요하면 내라는 건 뭐든 준비하겠습니다

    다시 한번 확인 해주시고 풀어주셨으면 해서 이렇게 알아보고 글까지 남겨봅니다..

  9. 你好管理员,我是来自亚洲的锈玩家。团队来了个新人,所以我们被禁止了,我们喜欢喜欢锈,而且很喜欢听游戏,SEA 主服务器,我们没有使用黑客,管理员希望可以删除本人,非常感谢。

  10. Hello, I paid for VIP, and there are deduction records, but it says here that I didn't pay

  11. 你好, 我的服务器禁令应该到期, 我希望被解封


  12. 为什么我不能进入服务器

  13. lo siento pero tuve un problema, me han vetado porque un amigo ya no iba a jugar y en su posición puse a otro a jugar para ser 3. Lo siento si fue molesto, me gustaría saber que puedo hacer, gracias

    1. Ojirex


      Don't end support if you haven't resolved it ...

  14. 포테이토님 지금 밴을 당하고 3년 이라는 시간이 지낫습니다 혹시 밴 관련 하여 저는 vac 전과가 없습니다 혹시 풀어 주실수 있으시겟습니까 ?  지금 시아 미디움도 vip 도 사서 다시 시작할려고 하고 있습니다 밴좀 풀어주시면 감사하겟습니다 

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